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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

"MOVE!!! I see a door opening for me!"

Hello Everyone!!!

I heard a sermon by Bishop T.D. Jakes entitled:  "Transition."  I was very inspired to write to you afterwards.  Sometimes we don't realize we are in transition because of what is taking place in our lives at the present time. Therefore, we focus on the moment.

We focus on the people in our lives at this time, not realizing, one day we may not be in the environment or around the people.  It doesn't mean something is wrong or we don't love the people in our current environment.  It simply means, we may be in transition.

If we look back over our lives, we worked on jobs we thought we would have until retirement.  We were in relationships we thought were going to last forever.  We had friends we thought would never leave our lives. We had co-workers we thought would be in our lives, although we were not working together any more. We had clients we thought would never leave us.  People are always in transition.

In cosmetology, we refer to those clients, as a transit clientele.  As Bishop Jakes said in his message, "it comes a time when we outgrow our environment and the people in it.  It doesn't mean we think we are better than anyone, we want something different.  We have to tell the people in our lives attempting to hold us back, Move! I see a door opening for me!"  At that time, we have to take the "faith walk."

Opportunities of a lifetime don't come available a lot, but, when they do, they need to be recognized.  If I would have listened to people in my environment in the past, I would have not pursued my Master's degree and I would have not opened the cosmetology school. Nor, would I have opened it in a very small town, Moundville, AL.  I would have never started the Advanced Training Center and I would have never moved to Atlanta.

I thank God for the mentors in my life who have traveled the "entrepreneur road" before me.  The people in my life who encouraged me to follow my dreams and know that God will lead me.  I am thankful I learned early on not to make "emotional decisions," and to make logical business decisions.

Look over your life and go back to your "original" plan for yourself.  Of course, plans change throughout life based on circumstances, but, are you close to the original one?  Continue to dream and plan and start putting some actions behind them and enjoy going through your transition!

Create a Better Day!

Toni Love
Author:  "The World of Wigs, Weaves, and Extensions" (sold everywhere)
Facebook:  Toni Love Cosmetology
Twitter: @tonilove205